Shrimp Time is a company created by enthusiasts involved in breeding freshwater aquarium shrimps and more. We have been dealing with aquarium shrimps since 2013, founding the company, and shop with aquarium shrimps and shrimp products. At the moment, we are actively breeding aquarium shrimps, including Caridina and Neocaridina families. The shrimps we sell come only from Polish breeding farms of enthusiasts and reliable breeders. They were propagated and bred in Polish conditions, which guarantees they will pass the acclimatisation process well and safely.
At present, we also actively cultivate aquarium plants, including plants of the Bucephalandra species and a vast range of mosses.
Shrimp Time also means years of experience, gaining knowledge and selecting valuable and adequately priced products available on the market.
Moreover, Shrimp Time is not only a shop but especially a community. We share knowledge and our passion in aquaristics, shrimp farming, and plant breeding in aquaria. You can find us in various media.