Taiwan Bee Mosura Shadow
Taiwan Bee shrimps are shrimps for intermediate breeders. They are characterized by a much more saturated colour of carapace than common Cristal Red shrimps. Additionally, they breed less often and are more susceptible to changes in water parameters. Mosura Blue Shadow pattern is one of these types of shrimps, it's characterized by the black colouration of carapace and blue-blue colouration of the rest of shrimps. Like all shrimps from Caridina family, they are kept on an active medium with pH in range 5,5 - 6,5. In our aquariums, it keeps GH on level 5 - 7 degrees and KH on level 0 - 1 degree. Shrimps are fed with our original food which provides them with proper growth and colouration. Home breeding of Taiwan Bee Moasura Shadow shrimps should be conducted on an active medium. We recommend using Benibachi Normal (former version). For such home breeding, a RO filter or other form of demineralised water supply is required. RO water should be treated with specialist salts for shrimps. It's also important to keep a low level of nitrites, nitrates and ammonia in the tank. Picture of shrimp was taken on our farm and it presents shrimp with colour pattern of shrimp sold in the auction. The sold shrimps may slightly differ visually from the one presented in the picture. We sell shrimps in size 0,5 - 1,5 cm to provide them with proper acclimatization. Shrimps come from our aquarium shrimp farm.